Homestead, FL
South Florida Water Management District
Phase 1: $12M
Ongoing; Est. 11/2022
- Construction Management & Inspection Services
- Building Demolition QA/QC
- Construction Contract Administration
- Construction Submittal Review
- Change Directive & Change Order Development & Review
- Pay App Review
- Substantial Completion & Final Project Certifications
- As-Built Drawings
- Enforcement of Contract Terms & Conditions
- Permit Compliance Materials Testing/Analysis Reporting
The South Florida Water Management District contracted the support of CES to augment staff for the construction management of the Homestead Field Station Building Replacement Design- Build project. This project consists of the demolition of three existing buildings (B 230, B-96 and B-33) and the construction of replacement buildings totaling 17,802 SF at the Homestead Field Station. The new buildings include office space, fleet service bays, structure maintenance service bays, storage areas for land management and canal levee, emergency generator and generator room, restrooms, locker rooms, asphalt restoration, abandonment of existing facility septic tanks and connection to city sewer including construction of a lift station, and new fuel tanks and fuel dispensing pumps.
The Construction Management Services include:
- On-site representatives to observe and document the construction and to assist the DPM in determining if the work is performed according to the associated project drawings and specifications.
- Attendance and participation at project construction meetings to update the District on the status of the construction, which includes but is not limited to construction activities accomplished to date, potential and/or actual construction problems and delays, and upcoming work to be completed by the construction Contractor and the Consultant.
- Reviewing and responding to shop drawing submittals, Requests for Information (RFIs), Requests for Clarifications (RFCs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Change Orders (COs), Field Orders (FOs), and Value Engineering (VE) proposals and submittals.
- Assisting the DPM with the review and reconciliation of Contractor payment applications.
- Quality control material testing, test analysis, and reporting.
- Reviewing fully incorporated Record Drawings (in AutoCAD) based on contractor certified as-built information and providing a Completion Certification at the end of construction signed and sealed by a Florida licensed Professional Engineer. The Record Drawing is described as follows: 1) the “record/as-built” drawing is a compiled representation of the constructed Project; 2) a listing of the sources and the basis of information used in the preparation of the “record/as-built” drawing; and 3) that the drawing is believed to be correct to the best of the engineer’s knowledge.
- Verification of project completion milestones and contract closeout/commissioning.