Miami-Dade County, FL
Miami-Dade County Water & Sewer Department
Multiple; Contract is Ongoing
- Civil Engineering & Design
- Inspection/Evaluation & Analysis
- Consent Decree Program Accelerated Schedules Lift/Pump Stations Force Mains
- Utility Relocation
- Sanitary Sewer Collection System
- Mechanical, Electrical & Structural Engineering
- Sidewalk/Curbing SUE/Utility Coordination Public Involvement Landscaping
Interagency Coordination

The Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (WASD), as a continuation of the PSIP Program effort and in an effort to comply with the 2013 Consent Decree to improve operation of its wastewater collection system to achieve compliance, established an internal team and consultants selected specifically for their understanding of wastewater pump station systems. With this “Local Pump Stations” contract,WASD will repair, replace and/or upgrade existing and non-compliant wastewater pump stations throughout the County. The improvements vary from pump upgrades to complete pump station and force main upgrades.

CES is providing the inspection/evaluation, analysis and design of multiple sanitary sewer lift stations ranging from 20 HP to 60 HP and associated force mains. Our team is providing full design services, which includes surveying, geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and electrical engineering. The challenges found in designing these upgrades relate to two items. First, meeting the FEMA Base Flood Elevation for some of these small locations while maintaining operations and maintenance protocols is a challenge. Under this contract, we have converted several wet well / dry well systems into submersible stations. These conversions are requiring significant structural design in order to reuse the existing facilities. This effort is more cost effective than installing a new wet well. Additionally, our team looks carefully at constructability in developing creative solutions that meet all of the client’s needs while maximizing construction dollars. Below are some of the pump stations awarded as task orders to CES under this contract:
- Design of Pump Station No. 673: Analyzed and designed the upgrades to PS 673. The station analysis included reviewing SCADA data, hydraulic information provided by WASD, as-built information, and site inspections. With this data, it was concluded that this station required a full conversion from a wet well / dry well system. An above ground structure was completely demolished, and all internal components removed. The existing wet well was converted into a receiving manhole, and the existing dry well area was converted into a wet well and a valve vault. Finally, the pump station was upgraded from 50-HP pumps to 58-HP submersible pumps.
- Generator Replacement PS318, PS464 & PS475: Analyzed and designed the upgrades of a permanent generator for PS318, PS464, and PS475. The station analysis included reviewing existing as-built information, site inspections, and existing utility information. Designs were developed to site a permanent generator on-site, which included meeting the FEMA base flood elevation plus two feet, site grading, and modification of the electrical equipment in order to connect the permanent generator to the pump station.
- Design of Pump Station No. 063: Analyzed the existing pump station including reviewing SCADA data, hydraulic information provided by WASD, as-built information, and site inspections. CES staff has identified three (3) feasible locations to relocate the pump station, which included several meetings with WASD and City of Miami staff. Once the location was approved by all parties, a Basis of Design Report (BODR) was prepared defining the new location and all details necessary to complete a design for the pump station relocation.
- Design of Pump Station No. 348: Analyzed and designed the installation of a flow meter for PS 348. This design included analyzing the existing flow meter and underground vault. We designed a new vault utilizing some of the existing facilities.
- Design of Pump Station No. 639: Analyzed and designed the upgrades to PS 639. The station analysis included reviewing SCADA data, hydraulic information provided by WASD, as-built information, and site inspections. With this data, it was concluded that this station required a full conversion from a wet well / dry well system. An above ground structure was completely demolished, and all internal components removed. The existing wet well was converted into a receiving manhole, and the existing dry well area was converted into a wet well and a valve vault. Finally, the pump station as upgraded from 20-HP pumps to a more efficient 45-HP submersible pumps.
- Design of Pump Station No. 659: Analyzed and designed the upgrades to PS 659. The station analysis included reviewing SCADA data, hydraulic information provided by WASD, as-built information, and site inspections. With this data, it was concluded that this station required a full conversion from a wet well / dry well system. An above ground structure was completely demolished, and all internal components removed. The existing wet well was converted into a receiving manhole, and the existing dry well area was converted into a wet well and a valve vault. Finally, the pump station was upgraded from 50-HP pumps to a more efficient 45-HP submersible pumps.