Fort Lauderdale, FL
City of Fort Lauderdale
Design: 01/2021 Construction: 10/2021
- Integrated Design-Build
- Civil Engineering Analysis & Design
- Civil Infrastructure Construction
- Open Cut & Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
- Trenchless Design & Installation
- Roadway Resurfacing & Reconstruction
- New Force Main, Pump Station & Pipeline Reconnection, Plug Valves & Piping, Line Stops
- Signage & Street Markings
- Permitting & Utility Coordination
- Public Right of Way Permitting
- Interagency Coordination
- Construction Administration & Inspections
- Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)
- Public Outreach
- Stakeholder Coordination
- Site Restoration

The integrated design-build team of CES Construction and CES Consultants designed, permitted, constructed, and performed testing and startup of a new 36” diameter force main along NW 13th Street in an urban area of Fort Lauderdale, including connections to the existing pipe and reconnection of Pump Stations A-28 and A-29. The project also included the design, permitting, construction, and installation of a new plug valve and piping near NE 14th Avenue and 11th Street to replace the existing inoperable valve and provide isolation to perform the required tie-in work. Also included in the scope of work were inspection and construction certification services, as well as surveying, geotechnical exploration, preparation of completed permit submittal packages and procurement of all required permits for construction, construction phasing, maintenance of traffic, and all other related work and services.

The scope of work included all design, permitting, construction, and construction services related to:
- Installation of 3,050 LF of new 36-inch nominal diameter force main under NW 13th Street utilizing Ductile Iron Pipe by open cut installation and high-density polyethylene pipe installed by horizontal directional drilling (HDD), as required.
- Connection of the proposed piping on the east end to the existing 24” nominal diameter force main that extends east along NE 13th Street and performing line stop.
- Connection of the proposed piping to the existing 24” cast iron force main that extends west along NW 13th Street and perform line stop as required.
- Provide reconnection to Pump Stations A-28 and A-29 at NW 1st Avenue and NW 2nd Avenue.
- Installation of a new plug valve and piping near NE 14th Avenue and 11th Street to replace the existing inoperable valve and providing isolation (line stop) to perform required tie-in work. This work was completed first in order to divert flow away from the work area on NW 13th Street between NW 9th Avenue (Powerline Road) and North Andrews Avenue.